Another Manufacturing Day Open House in the books!

A group of people standing around in front of a machine.

Accede recently displayed their passion for the mold making industry on Friday, October 1st – Manufacturing Day. Each year, MFG Day shows students, parents, and the public what modern manufacturing is all about. The fourth industrial revolution is rapidly changing our world. New advanced manufacturing technologies bring about whole new careers, requiring a skilled workforce interested in pursuing them. From bioengineers, to data analysts to robotics technicians, and all of the operations in between, there is a place for everyone in manufacturing!

Accede’s great staff led a tour through the engineering and support departments, as well as all facets of the manufacturing departments including CNC (Computerized Numerical Control), EDM (Electrical Discharge Machining), and Assembly. The attending local high school students also participated in a hands-on experience in the Sampling Department enabling them to walk away with further understanding of mold making while building upon their interest.

We are looking forward to next year’s event for even more engagement and fun!